Gavin R. Putland,  BE PhD

Friday, June 22, 2012 (Comment)

Draft letter to the ATO

To: The Commissioner of Taxation

Cc: The Treasurer
    The Attorney-General
    The Minister for Financial Services & Superannuation

Dear Sir,

Letter of Demand re Unconstitutional Taxes

Section 82 of the Australian Constitution says that the cost of collecting Federal taxes is chargeable to Consolidated Revenue. We (name of company) therefore claim that it is unconstitutional to require us, at our expense, to collect personal income tax payable by our employees or contractors, or to collect GST payable by our customers. While we expect you to deny that s.82 means what it says, we will be surprised if you are willing to gamble most of the Federal Budget on that denial! We therefore expect you to accept our very reasonable offer to settle our claim out of court. The offer is as follows:

. . .

Read the rest at Catallaxy Files (republished 2 July 2012).

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